Shaving foam in the oven, the unimaginable happens: from today you will start doing it too


Shaving foam in the oven, the unimaginable happens: from today you will start doing it too
Shaving foam is an excellent ally not only for men who use it to shave and to take care of their appearance and body well-being. It can also be useful at home in several ways.

For example, there are those who use it for cleaning, for mirrors and those who are unaware of its powerful effects.

Once its thousand uses and secrets are discovered, it will be difficult to do without it, also because it costs very little and very small quantities are needed compared to any other product indicated for cleaning.

The first of many product secrets.
Shaving foam can be used, for example, to clean the oven , which is one of the appliances we use most frequently during the day and throughout a week. For this reason, it is advisable to wash it almost daily or in any case once every two uses.

However, you rarely have time, also because after using it it is hot and needs to cool down and you usually no longer have the desire to do it, nor the patience or attention. So it ends up being neglected, use after use , and we take care of cleaning when the dirt is embedded. At that point it is really difficult to remove it and get it back to 100% shiny, shiny and clean.

But it is important to always take care of it, if you do not want to run the risk of everything you cook inside having the same flavor or, worse yet, becoming unusable over time.

There are many products suitable for cleaning the oven, but these are bad for your health and more than removing stains and scale, they can also corrode the material , without giving the promised results.

How to use shaving cream to clean the oven
If you want to have a clean and fresh-smelling oven again, you can use various natural ingredients, a little effort and that’s it. You don’t even need a lot of free time or a lot of patience, what matters is the will.

For example, you can use shaving foam, which must be sprayed directly into the oven , removing the trays and trays. After spraying it in the appropriate amounts, rub it all over the oven directly with your hands and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. Once the required time has elapsed, use a sponge to remove all the incrustations, rub well using the rough part of the sponge, being careful not to use too much force so as not to scratch the interior.

Once this is done, take a sponge cloth and start rinsing well to remove any shaving foam residue. Care must be taken to rinse the oven thoroughly to avoid even small traces of shaving foam remaining.
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