How to remove animal hair on clothes with wipes?


Regardless of the precautions you take when wearing your favorite black clothes, animal hair or even skin dandruff is attached to them. But how can we get rid of it without damaging the fabric? Check out our simple tips to remove all the hair from your black clothes in no time.
How to remove animal hair on clothes with wipes?
Dog and cat owners face the problem of small animal hairs that stick to their clothes on a daily basis. If this is the case, you’ve probably already wondered how to get rid of these hairs by putting your favorite clothes in the washing machine without damaging them. With this one, you can also dry them.

Habe einen Waschlappen
Wet wipes can accumulate various small hairs, dander and dust during washing. And while these wipes can be used to clean different surfaces or for the hygiene of babies and adults, they are also suitable for washing.

Solid enough; not torn apart. This is because they must withstand the draining in the washing machine.

In addition, it is preferable to use non-duplt-billed wipes; as their fragrance can be passed on to your laundry when washing, unless you want the fragrance of the wipe to remain on your clothes.

The dry wipes do not work. So make sure that the packaging has not been opened for a long time and that the product you bought is not old.

For information
To use the wipes, follow the following instructions:

The following page continuation

Do not use wipes more than once for washing. However, if you do, their effectiveness is likely to be much less.
Use 1 to 3 wipes per washing cycle. No matter what you wash, you probably never need more.
How to remove cat hair from black clothes?

Schwarze Kleidung in der Waschmaschine
How do we do it? ?

Black clothing should be washed separately from other clothing to prevent particles from coming into contact with the rest of the laundry.
The simplest method is to wrap the adhesive tape around the hand and press the palm against the garment.
A pumice stone can also be your great ally to remove the lint that sticks to your clothes. Just moisten it and gently put it on your clothes.
When washing, add half a cup of white vinegar in addition to the laundry.


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