Growing Mango at home is very simple: discover the quick method with us!


How to make the core

When we go to prepare the mango to eat it, we usually do not pay much attention to the core, in this case, however, it is necessary not to damage it.

If the fruit is very ripe, it will be enough to make an incision around the entire perimeter, trying not to touch the stone, then rotate the two halves to release it. If, on the other hand, the pulp is firmer, we will have to make slices, always being careful not to touch the core, releasing it little by little.

Once we have the coveted core in our hands, we must extract the interior, again being very careful not to ruin it. Usually on the outside there is a slit, we start from there to open it and extract the internal pulp, it must come out completely whole.

How to treat hazel to make the plant grow

When we finally have the mango seed in our hands, gently wrap it in a few sheets of absorbent paper, place it inside the container and with our hands or with a spray we wet the entire scottex. It should be well soaked in water but not soaked. We wrap the entire container with plastic wrap, in this way we will have created a mini greenhouse that will ensure that the seed remains in the right temperature and humidity conditions. We place the container in a well-lit place but away from direct sunlight. In about ten days, we will see the first shoots of our beautiful mango plant germinate.

With a little patience, we will have a tropical corner in our living room!


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