5 plants that have the power to keep cockroaches away from your house forever



Chrysanthemums are highly effective for this repelling function, especially when planted, but they also do it when we have them cut and in water in a vase or pot. Actually, it acts as a powerful insecticide.

To know it a little more, we must say that it is an annual plant. That is, every one-year cycle must be replanted. In addition, it likes full sun but when the buds are formed, we can take it inside the house.

It must be watered frequently, to take into account if we want to see it healthy.


As we know, the aroma of rosemary is very pleasant for humans, however, for cockroaches and other insects it acts as a natural repellent.

The suggestion is to place a rooted branch in the water near the window, change it every day until small roots appear and then plant it in the pot with garden soil. We must take care of it with watering while the soil dries, we also let it receive the sun for at least part of the day.


The aroma of basil is majestic for the kitchen without a doubt, however for cockroaches it is a very strong smell and this will keep them away.

It is recommended to plant basil in the summer and above 18 degrees, they like the sun for at least a few hours during the day. It requires fertile soil, like that in the garden. It is essential to keep the soil moist, which is why it should be watered when we notice that it is drying.


The bay plant is very potent, especially when the leaves dry. We can distribute them to the different places in the house where cockroaches enter, precisely in strategic spaces where they will move away when they smell the aroma of laurel.

We can also place laurel in a vase and have it in the kitchen, the suggestion is that it be at least 50 centimeters high. There we will place a little fertile soil and plant its seedling, keep in mind that the laurel requires about 4 hours of sun a day and should be watered when we observe that the soil begins to dry out,


Mint is fantastic for perfuming the kitchen or dining room, in fact we can always have fresh leaves on hand to make a delicious tea.

Obviously, cockroaches do not like this plant at all, because its smell is very strong. In fact, it is one of the most powerful natural repellents that scares away both cockroaches and other insects.

In the kitchen we can have a vase of mint and place it where it receives a lot of light, since it does not require direct sun on the plant. In addition, it really likes humidity, so let’s water it a little every day but without exaggerating.

We can keep it in the same pot, as well as other spices that also serve as natural repellents!


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