A researcher discovered a cure that helps against cancer 60 YEARS AGO! Unfortunately, world leaders don’t want it to be known, they keep everything secret!


The lack of oxygen in a cancer patient’s blood is replaced with waste such as carbon dioxide. This lack of oxygen leads to tumor formation, and the cells mutate to obtain energy from a sugar fermentation process. This is not a “clean” biochemical process, and the fermentation products that accumulate in tissues cause even higher toxicity. This leads to acidosis and oxygen starvation at the cellular level. All these inevitably lead to the proliferation of cancer cells and have fatal consequences for the patient. These statements are not fiction; they are based on real science and proven by the 1932 Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Otto Warburg.

The most important tool in the fight against cancer is oxygen, and Dr. Budwig respects this principle. Her protocol involves stimulating the oxygen supply and adjusting the body’s pH level to an alkaline state, and it does a much better job than any other existing treatment on the market. Once we have managed to create an alkaline environment in our body, our blood is pumped with oxygen, leading to the starvation and death of mutant cancer cells.

The Budwig Protocol is based on the use of a mixture of flaxseed oil and cottage cheese. She also discovered that so-called “healthy” diets, low in fat, can do more harm than good and decided to adopt a different approach. She eliminated unhealthy fats and foods that lower your oxygen level and focused on healthy and healing foods. She highlights the importance of sun exposure, as it is a natural source of D3 – the anti-cancer vitamin.

The Budwig Protocol against cancer!

Dr. Budwig’s protocol consists of two stages. The first phase is natural, where the sulfhydryl groups in cheese or cottage cheese bind with the unsaturated fatty acids in flaxseed oil. Dr. Budwig discovered that the body will synthesize omega-3 from flaxseed oil, in the exact amount it needs. “Without these fatty acids, the respiratory enzymes cannot function, and the person suffocates, even if they are administered air rich in oxygen. The deficit of these unsaturated fatty acids affects many vital functions. First of all, it decreases the person’s available oxygen amount. We cannot survive without air and food; nor can we survive without these fatty acids,” she stated. The remedy she devised is usually administered orally, but in terminal cases, Dr. Budwig administered flaxseed oil in the form of an enema.

The second stage of the Budwig Protocol refers to a specially designed diet that should be followed for at least 6 months.

The Remedy:

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